InCharacter Baby Boy’s Garden Gnome Costume, Red/Blue, Medium
Here you will find the Best Funny Baby Halloween Costumes available. These are perfect for parents with a good sense of humor who love to laugh.
Sometimes the baby Halloween costume is funny on it’s own, but sometimes it’s funnier as part of a group costume or a costume with the baby and parents dressing alike. I adore parent and baby costume pairs because they’re so cute! Sibling costumes are also a lot of fun!
One of the most fun parts of parenting for me were when I actually got to choose my children’s costumes. You might as well go all out for the baby costumes and enjoy yourself. Once your precious baby gets a little older, you won’t have much say in what they dress up as….and that’s how it should be.
I love the baby garden gnome costume, the food and candy baby Halloween costumes, and viking baby costume. It’s so hard to choose a single favorite, but I did manage to choose four favorites..
Fun World Baby Lil’ Mouse Costume, Grey Light Blue, MediumInCharacter Costumes Baby’s Precious Peacock Costume, Blue/Yellow, Small
InCharacter Baby Boy’s Garden Gnome Costume, Red/Blue, Medium
InCharacter Costumes Baby’s Silly Sunflower Costume, Green/Yellow, Small
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Best Funny Baby Halloween Costumes – My Picks!
Other than the gnome (above), these are my very favorite fun baby costumes. These costumes make me smile. I can’t get enough of the woopie cushion costume above, but these beat that out for the top picks. I thing these are cute for both boys and girls, even the sunflower baby costume. I chose the flower because it’s just so stinkin’ cute. I chose the snowman because it can be used for Halloween and then again at Christmas or for some cute winter pictures especially if you live where it snows. Which is your favorite?
InCharacter Costumes Baby’s Silly Sunflower Costume, Green/Yellow, Small (6-12 Months)InCharacter Costumes Baby’s Silly Snowman Costume, White/Red/Black/Red, Small (6 Months-2 Years)
Food Baby Costumes
Baby Costumes that are food related crack me up. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I get a good laugh when I see food baby costumes. I adore the ketchup pack and the hot dog. Aren’t they so stinkin’ cute? Parents could dress up as ketchup, mustard, or a hot dog to match baby. The spaghetti baby costume is adorable and so funny. And who can forget the baby popcorn costume. There are so many ways to make these into family costumes.
Underwraps Baby’s Lil’ Hot Dog, Red/Multi, InfantRasta Imposta Ketchup Bunting, Red, 3-9 Months
AM PM Kids! Baby’s Spaghetti and Meatballs Costume (6-18 Months)
Rubie’s Costume Trick Or Treat Sweeties Going’ To The Movies Popcorn Costume, White, Infant
Candy Baby Costumes
Babies are sweet enough, but with a candy baby costume, they’ll be even sweeter. I love the tootsie roll and the candy corn! Mom and dad can dress up as candy for a cute group costume. There are some very cool tootsie roll costumes for the family.
Baby Candy Corn – Size 0-12 MoRasta Imposta Tootsie Roll Bunting, Brown, 3-9 Months
Smarties Bunting Costume – Infant
Infant Baby Junior Mints Candy Costume (3-12 Months)
Baby Prisoner Costumes
What is cuter than a prisoner costume. What cracks me up is the first costume. I love how it says “Play Pen” on the front! And the tattoos just send it over the top. Mom and dad can be police officers!
InCharacter Costumes Baby’s Time Out Convict Costume, Black/White, Medium(12 -18 Mos)Rubie’s Costume Tyke Or Treat Baby Bunting Costume Cute Little Convict, Convict Blue, 0-9 Months
Viking Baby Costume
I would never have thought of dressing my baby up as a viking, but it totally rocks! It is one of the most adorable costumes I have seen this year. I just can not get over the beard.
InCharacter Baby Boy’s Viking Costume, Silver/Blue, Medium(12 – 18mos)California Costumes Baby Boys’ Lil’ Viking Infant, Brown/Silver, 12 to 18 Months
Nerd Baby Costume
These little nerd baby costumes are so cute. With some very popular shows in recent years making the nerd stereotype lovable, I think they’re a great costume. I love the first one, but the second would probably be more comfortable for a small baby.
InCharacter Baby Boy’s Nursery Nerd Costume, White/Blue, X-SmallCutie PI School Nerd Toddler Costume