Looking for a Ted Costume for Halloween? Here you’ll find Ted Costumes, Ted Couple Costume ideas, and Ted Group Costume Ideas. The whole gang is here: Ted, Jami Lynn, John, and even Flash Gordon! You’ll find Ted Halloween Costumes, Ted Accessories, and props….basically everything you need for the perfect Ted Costume.
Ted is one of the most hilarious movies in the last few years, well, if you like off color comedies that is. And if you don’t like off color comedy, then you’re really in the wrong place for your perfect Halloween costume.
Want an Epic Halloween Costume for a party? Any combination of these would make the most epic couples costume ever! Even if you’re just going alone, there are ways to use props to make your costume even better. And don’t forget accessories, they can make or break a costume. Which Ted Costume will you choose, the Tuxedo costume, the plain ted costume, the ted jersey, or ted in a red apron? I adore the Tuxedo Ted Costume. The plain costume and Tuxedo Costume come with the bear costume, but the jersey and red apron have to be bought in addition to the bear costume.
Table Of Contents, For Your Convenience
Ted Costumes For Halloween
These Ted Costumes are from HALLOWEEN COSTUMES.com and are excellent quality costumes. Either the whole costume or the Ted hat will make a great costume for your party.
Ted Costume For AdultsTed Headpiece
More Ted Costumes For Halloween From Amazon
These Ted costumes are from Amazon.com and you’ll have a couple more options to choose from. There is the whole ted costume and the Ted hat like above. There are also a sexy ted costume that’s a dress and leggings with a cute bear hat and a Ted costume that’s only the top half. A cool couple costume would be a sexy Ted costume with a john costume. Or a regular Ted costume with a Jami Lynn Costume. There are so many options!
Rasta Imposta Men’s Ted 2 Tuxedo Costume, Black/White, One SizeTed the Movie Jumpsuit Costume – One Size – Chest Size 48-52
Ted Costume Accessories And Props
Adding a red apron to the Ted costumes below finishes the outfit off and will add that extra oomph to your costume. If you want to dress as John, Jami Lynn, or Flash Gordon then you can carry a plush Ted to complete your costume.
Rasta Imposta Men’s Ted 2 Kit Rasta, Multi, One SizeRasta Imposta Men’s Ted 2 Kit-Apron, Red, One Size
Rasta Imposta Men’s Ted 2 Kit Football Jersey, Blue, One Size
Rasta Imposta Men’s Ted 2 Kit Scuba Gear, Yellow/Red, One Size
Ted With Tami Lynn – Tami Lynn From Ted Costume – Ted Couple Costume – Ted Group Costume
There are no ready made costumes for Tami Lynn, but I have created one for her below. The wig is very close to Tami Lynn’s hair and the red apron with a name badge will ensure everyone knows who you are immediately. You can also go ahead and get the shirt, shoes, and capris. The clothing just looks like something Tami Lynn would wear and who wouldn’t love those shoes! If you are looking for a couples or group costume, this is a great one to choose. If you don’t have someone to dress up with, you could buy one of the plush Ted bears above to carry.
docooler Stylish long curl blonde hair wig Party PerruqueDII 100% Cotton Adjustable Chef Kitchen Apron, Machine Washable with Pockets, Red
Pink Hello My Name Is Name Badge Tag Labels Stickers – 1 Roll
KMystic Cotton Blend Lace Trim Capri Leggings (Small, Black)
Women’s Qupid Neutral-02 Mary Jane Platform Pumps Shoes,Zebra Print,7.5
Star Vixen Women’s Long Sleeve Cold-Shoulder Top, Ivory/Black Zebra, Medium
Ted Couple Costume – Ted With John(Mark Wahlberg) – Ted Group Costume
John from Ted is a big kid and he wears the typical tshirt and jeans. But for a costume you can choose accessories and props so that everyone knows you’re in costume. In addition to the props below you can use a name tag so that everyone knows who you are.
Hanes – Ecosmart T-Shirt – 5170 (Large, Oxford Gray)Fun Central (AT763) LED Space Flash Toy Gun, Colors may vary